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Past Displays - Books: Pride Month

View previous Taylor Memorial Library book displays.

What Is Pride Month?

On June 28, 1969, the NYPD raided the Stonewall Inn, a bar in the Manhattan frequented by the queer community. Several people fought back against the aggressive police, creating protests and riots throughout the neighborhood, ultimately ending on July 2, 1969. The Stonewall Riots brought the gay rights movement to the forefront of the media and news. One year later, on the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, activists in New York City marched through the streets of Manhattan to commemorate the uprising--the first gay pride parade. 

Queer pride events continued every year in June, until in June 2000, President Bill Clinton officially designated the month as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month. This name was changed in 2009 by President Barack Obama, becoming Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. Pride Month celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and all of its achievements, as well as highlights queer issues which still need to be resolved.