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Past Displays - Books: Spooky Reads for Halloween

View previous Taylor Memorial Library book displays.


Every October 31 is Halloween. Once a day of honoring the dead, Halloween now exists as a celebration of horror and the supernatural. Popular Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, dressing up in costumes, carving pumpkins, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.

In 2023, Taylor Memorial Library had both a Halloween book display, as well as a celebration of vampires in popular culture and mythology. The library hosted Professor McCrystal's English-3050 class (Vampires in the Modern World)'s vampire fair, where students educated library patrons on the history of vampires and how they are presented today, with Exhi-”bites” including vampire music, vampires in Japanese anime and video games, stereotypes, hot vampires, vampires in young adult fiction, TV, films, and media.