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Scholarly Journals

Browse Political Science journals by subject

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Library of Congress Classification

Political Science   Class J,
   Subclass JA
International Migration &
Slavery & Emancipation
   (United States)  
International Relations   Subclass JZ
The Legislative Process   JF491-619
Economics   Subclass HB-HC
Socialism   HX1-970.7
Public Finance   HJ9-9940
International Economics
Law   Subclass KZ
Public Administration
   (United States) 
  Subclass JF-JK

9 Historic Revolutions

The book, 9 HISTORIC REVOLUTIONS, is designed to be easy reading for any person who wants to learn about the many painful but glorious steps in human social evolution.

Democracy and Fake News

This book explores the challenges that disinformation, fake news, and post-truth politics pose to democracy from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Justice and Human Rights in the African Imagination

Justice and Human Rights in the African Imagination is an interdisciplinary reading of justice in literary texts and memoirs, films, and social anthropological texts in postcolonial Africa.

The Anthropology of Parliaments

The Anthropology of Parliaments offers a fresh, comparative approach to analysing parliaments and democratic politics, drawing together rare ethnographic work by anthropologists and politics scholars from around the world.

Arguing with Zombies

Building on and expanding Krugman's New York Times columns and other writings, it contains short, accessible chapters on topics including the fight for national health care in the United States, the housing bubble and financial meltdown of 2007- 2008, the European Union and Brexit, the attack on Social Security, and the fraudulent argument- the ultimate zombie- that tax cuts for the rich will benefit all.

The Firsts

A lively, behind-the-scenes look at the historic cohort of diverse, young, and groundbreaking women newly elected to the House of Representatives in 2018 as they arrive in Washington, DC, and start working for change, written by a news reporter with sharp insight and deep knowledge of the Hill.

Fault Lines

If you were asked when America became polarized, your answer would likely depend on your age: you might say during Barack Obama's presidency, or with the post- 9/11 war on terror, or the culture wars of the 1980s and 1990s, or the 'Reagan Revolution' and the rise of the New Right. For leading historians Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer, it all starts in 1974.

Dress Codes

A law professor and cultural critic offers an eye-opening exploration of the laws of fashion throughout history, from the middle ages to the present day, examining the canons, mores and customs of clothing rules that we often take for granted.

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