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Education: Research Guide

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Scholarly Journals

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Library of Congress Classification

When searching for a resource in the library, you can use a Library of Congress Classification Number to search the catalog, to find the exact location of an item and to find more items that have similar content.

Adult Education   LC5201-6660.4
Curricula   LB2361-2365
Education   LB5-45
Education of Women   LC1401-2572
Elementary Education   LB1555-1602
Higher Education   LB2300-2430
Secondary Education LB1603-1696.6
Special Education   LC3950-4806.5
Teaching/Teachers   LB1705-2286,

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The Aspiring Principal: 50 Critical Questions for New and Future School Leaders

"School leadership expert Baruti Kafele presents reflective questions aimed at assisting both new and aspiring school leaders as they work to become effective school leaders and consider making a leap to a leadership position."

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Leadership for School Improvement

"This book is rich in research and literature about school improvement, school effectiveness, and school reform policy and implementation and thus holds significance for educational practitioners, scholars, and policy makers at all levels."

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All Learning Is Social and Emotional

"If you teach kids rather than standards, and if you want all kids to get what they need to thrive, Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, and Dominique Smith offer a solution: a comprehensive, five-part model of SEL that's easy to integrate into everyday content instruction, no matter what subject or grade level you teach."

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Is My School a Better School Because I Lead It?

" In this book, Kafele offers those seeking to improve the quality of instruction in their institutions hard-won wisdom on such critical issues as ensuring an optimal culture and climate, engaging in parent and community outreach, confirming emergency preparedness, rallying staff, and much more."

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Action Learning and Action Research

"This book, written by internationally renowned experts, is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of the main genres and approaches of AL/AR."

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Broadening Participation in STEM: Effective Methods, Practices, and Programs

"U.S. students exit undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs at alarming rates - this is especially true for minorities. This book provides faculty, administrators, and diversity professionals with a guide that can be used to develop programs designed to address specific student success and inclusion goals in STEM programs."

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Teaching Outside the Box: Beyond the Deficit Driven School Reforms

"The book carefully analyzes the organic evolution of educators' social constructs that regenerated inequities to reveal the road map for rebuilding genuinely inclusive and equitable public school systems that serve the interests of students and society."

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Committing to the Culture: How Leaders can create and sustain positive schools

"Leaders will gain profound insight into how to create meaningful change, with the goal not just to'transform'their school but also to get all members of the school community to commit to culture change—and make sure that change sticks."

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Building Trauma-sensitive Schools: Your Guide to Creating Safe, Supportive Learning Environments for All Students

"In the United States, at least one in four youth experiences trauma severe enough to negatively affect their school success.• Give hope and help to these students with this reader-friendly how-to guide, your springboard for building responsive, trauma-sensitive preK–12 schools."

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What Makes a Star Teacher: 7 Dispositions That Support Student Learning

"The book is grounded in studies conducted and ideas developed over a half-century by educational theorist Martin Haberman, whose models are used in hundreds of school districts across the United States. Full of insightful authentic examples, practical and ready-to-use strategies, and numerous suggested resources."

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Leading High-Performance School Systems: Lessons from the World's Best

In this book, "Marc Tucker, a leading expert on top-performing school systems with more than 30 years of experience studying the global economy and education systems worldwide, details how top-performing school systems have met head-on the challenges facing school leaders today."

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Theory and Method in Higher Education Research

This volume of Theory and Method in Higher Education Research contains analyses and discussions of, amongst others, topic modelling, geometric data analysis, creativity and playfulness, longitudinal network analysis, grounded theory methods and autonetnography.

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Argumentation Strategies in the Classroom

Based on first-hand experience and extensive research, this volume guides the reader through argumentation with the focus placed on the relationship between this teaching method and effective learning and the need to investigate the role of teachers in encouraging argumentation in the classroom.

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Hacking Education in a Digital Age

Those who seek to question the nature of teaching and learning and who seek to develop a richer theoretical vocabulary will benefit from the insightful and rich collection of essays presented in this collection. In this regard, the collection offers something for all who might wish to rethink the fundamental dynamics of education or, as Morpheus asks of Neo in The Matrix, bend the rules of conventional ways of knowing and being.

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Doing Poorly on Purpose

There is no such thing as a “classic underachiever.” Students (and their reasons for underachieving) are influenced by a wide range of factors, including self-image, self-concept, social-emotional relationships, and the amount of dignity teachers afford their students. Helping “smart” students achieve when they don't want to is not an easy task, but you can reengage and inspire students using Delisle's insights and practical advice on these topics...

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What We Know about Grading: What Works, What Doesn't, and What's Next

"A review of 100-plus years of grading research, each chapter addresses a different area of grading research and describes how the major findings in that area might be leveraged to improve grading policy and practice."

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How the Other Half Learns: equality, excellence, and the battle over school choice

"An inside look at America's most controversial charter schools, and the moral and political questions around public education and school choice"

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These 6 Things: How to focus your teaching on what matters most

These 6 Things is all about streamlining your practice so that you're teaching smarter, not harder, and kids are learning, doing, and flourishing in ELA and content-area classrooms

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You Can't Fire the Bad Ones!: and 18 other myths about teachers, teachers' unions, and public education

"This book flips the script on enduring and popular myths about teachers, teachers unions, and education that inform policy discussions and choices."

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How Schools Work: an inside account of failure and success from one of the nation's longest-serving secretaries of education

Examines some of the problems that plague the American public school system, identifies solutions that have worked in the past, and celebrates the hero teachers, staffers, and adminstrators the author met as the Obama Secretary of Education.

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Allow up to 2 weeks for books/media and 3-5 days for journal articles (PDFs) to arrive.

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