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Gen/Basic Chem Lab

A guide to support Lab 1: Scientific Literature Assignment

Saving Your Search

Saving your searches as well as the articles you find useful for your research is important. Recreating searches or trying to find material that you haven't saved takes up time that could be used finding new information or writing your paper.

Sign in by clicking the "sign in" button located in the upper right hand side of your search results:

This will redirect you to the University's single sign-on authenticator. Once signed in you can save your searches as well as research items of interest to you and your studies. Use the heart icon (♥) to save a specific search. Use the star icon () to save individual research:



Saving your research is important. In addition to saving time, there may be information included in the databases that is excluded from a downloaded article that is necessary to complete citations. In most cases, this is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).