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Gen/Basic Chem Lab

A guide to support Lab 1: Scientific Literature Assignment

Basic Outline of Scientific Articles

Most peer-reviewed articles will follow a specific design structure. This includes, but may not be limited to:

Title (with author affiliations)

Abstract (a brief synopsis of the article which may include results of findings)

Introduction / Literature Review (guiding questions that show the direction of the research and how it differs from other studies performed)

Methodology (how the research was performed)

Results (outcomes of the research)

Discussion (interpretation of the results)

Conclusion (how the research was important, or filled a specific scientific gap)

Reference List (sources that the author or authors used for the literature review)

How to Read Scientific Articles

Research articles can range from a few pages to over 50+. It can be difficult to determine if the article results of your search would be of use to you. During the discovery process, it is advised that you not read the entire article to find out if it is of use to your research. Read the contents of the article in this order to evaluate whether the entire article is relevant to your needs.


A portion of the abstract can be found on the results list of your search. The abstract is a summary of the work which may include portions of a research statement, the methods used to collect data, and the results of the findings.

Discussion or Conclusion:

The findings of the study based on the experiment/methodology that support the research question. This section may include or come before a section suggesting future research needs.

Introduction/Literature Review:

Explains the value of the specific research and provides background information regarding previous studies that guided the author to create their standalone experiment.


The findings of the study. This may also include data that is listed in an appendix.

If the article continues to make relevant points that support your research through this process, save it and read the entire article.