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Nursing Research: For Nursing Faculty

Requesting Librarian Help

Collaborate with a Librarian

Librarians are ready to collaborate with faculty. We offer a wide range of instructional services, including course-embedded, contact information and appointment scheduling, creating online resources, and collaborating with Faculty to find the best research or instruction resources

Embedding Library Resources into a Moodle Course

Embed an EBook, Article, Audio or Video

The majority of subscription and open access resources can be embedded in Moodle course content. Note that some EBooks have limited simultaneous use, and some journals may impose restrictions on use within online courses.  Additionally, be aware that downloading copies of articles from library databases and then uploading them to the LMS for your students may violate copyright law. Persistent links (PURL) are the correct way to link to a specific article for copyright compliance. 

PubMed® EBP Online Training

Healthcare & Training Videos

Here are freely available healthcare-related videos:

Nursing Education EBooks

Nursing Education Journals