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BIO-1201 / BIO-1301: Science Research

Writing Lab Reports

Scientific writing - and the writing of lab reports - is quite different from most other types of academic writing. The following sites offer helpful guidance on how to approach scientific writing, and the rules and conventions that students should know.
Keep in mind that your professor may have specific guidelines or expectations that you should follow - always check your syllabus or assignment descriptions to see what is expected.

Biology Lab Report Handbook

- from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Freel Library. This thorough guide lays out all the steps and considerations to putting together a good lab report. Sample included.

Writing a Lab Report (Biology)

- from Lewis University Writing Center. Provides a helpful breakdown of how to approach writing each section, with practical tips.

Scientific Reports

- from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center. Offers in-depth coverage of the expectations and conventions of scientific writing.

Common Errors (U of R Biology Lab Reports)

- site created by two lab instructors at the University of Regina to assist biology students with writing lab reports. This page lists ten commonly made student mistakes.