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OER Searching: Best Bets for Mathematics

Some open textbooks include instructor materials like Powerpoint slides, lab manuals, assignments, simulations, etc, while in some cases, those who adopt an OER will create (and license as Open Access) ancillary materials to be used with the original text.

Library Resources as Affordable Option

Library resources might be one way to design a course that is affordable for students - these resources are not free, but the cost is already incorporated into student tuition. There are no extra out-of-pocket costs.

Open Textbooks for Mathematics

Explore open textbooks! The options below might be a good fit for some Math courses.

MTH 1111

Quantitative Literacy

A Course in Quantitative Literacy

From OER Commons, A Course in Quantitative Literacy focuses on problem solving and critical thinking skills. It presents math concepts to a general audience.

Go to A Course in Quantitative

MTH 1250


Elementary College Geometry

From OER Commons, Elementary College Geometry is intended for a brief introductory course in plane geometry. It covers the topics from elementary geometry that are most likely to be required for more advanced mathematics courses.

Go to Elementary College


MTH 1500

Statistics for Social Sciences

Introduction to Statistics

From Open Textbook Library, Introduction to Statistics is a resource for learning and teaching introductory statistics. This text is suitable for an introductory statistics course for non-math majors.
See reviews in Open Textbook Library.

Go to Introduction to Statistics

MTH 1501 & MTH 1502

Statistics I & 2

OpenIntro Statistics

With over 100,000 readers, OpenIntro Statistics, from, offers a traditional introduction to statistics at the college level. The purchaser can choose the amount to pay, starting at $0.
Videos available to supplement lessons.

Go to OpenIntro Statistics


MTH 1600



From Openstax, Precalculus is a comprehensive book that covers more ground than an instructor could likely cover in a typical one- or two-semester course; but instructors should find, almost without fail, that the topics they wish to include in their syllabus are covered in the text.
In use at 3+ NJ colleges & universities.
See reviews in Open Textbook Library.

Go to Precalculus


MTH 2152, 2153, & 3161


Calculus, Volumes I, II, & III

From Openstax, Calculus is designed to be used in a two- or three-semester calculus course. With three volumes, this series guides students through the core concepts of calculus and helps them understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them.
In use at 2+ NJ colleges & universities.

Go to Calculus Volume I