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History: Getting Started

Getting Started: Databases

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Library of Congress Classification

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History   D1-2027
Geography & Travel   G149-180
General History of Europe
   Subclass DA-DL
General History of Asia   Subclass DS
General History of Africa
Subclass DT
General History of North America
Class E-F
General History of South America


After the Rise and Stall of American Feminism

She articulates four common causes—advancing political and economic equality, allowing intimate and sexual freedom, ending violence against women, and expanding the cultural representation of women—considering each in turn to assess what has been gained (or not).

Personal Ornaments in Prehistory

Personal Ornaments in Prehistory

"This book shows that far from being objects of display, of little value in archaeological interpretation and often overlooked, these artifacts are key to understanding trade, relationships, values, beliefs and the construction of personal identity in the past."

Threatening Property: Race, Class, and Campaigns to Legislate Jim Crow Neighborhoods

Threatening Property: Race, Class, and Campaigns to Legislate Jim Crow Neighborhoods

"In Threatening Property, Elizabeth A. Herbin-Triant investigates early-twentieth-century campaigns for residential segregation laws in North Carolina to show how the version of white supremacy supported by middle-class white people differed from that supported by the elites."

The Chinese and the Iron Road: Building the Transcontinental Railroad

The Chinese and the Iron Road: Building the Transcontinental Railroad

"The Chinese and the Iron Road illuminates more fully than ever before the interconnected economies of China and the US, how immigration across the Pacific changed both nations, the dynamics of the racism the workers encountered, the conditions under which they labored, and their role in shaping both the history of the railroad and the development of the American West."

Food Fights

Food Fights sheds new light on these crucial debates, using a historical lens. Its essays take strong positions, even arguing with one another, as they explore the many themes and tensions that define how we understand our food—from the promises and failures of agricultural technology to the politics of taste.

The Ancient Art of Transformation

The Ancient Art of Transformation

"Together, these papers offer a close examination of various types of visual evidence from several cultures and periods (e.g., Etruscan, Greek, Roman, early Christian), and document how personal, societal, and historical changes become permanently fixed in the material record."

Ideology in the Middle Ages

Ideology in the Middle Ages

"This interdisciplinary volume sets out to illuminate medieval thought, and to consider how the underlying values of the Middle Ages exerted significant influence in medieval society in the West."

Confederate Statues and Memorialization

Confederate Statues and Memorialization

"This first book in UGA Press's History in the Headlines series artfully engages the past and its influence on present racial and social tensions in an accessible format for students and interested general readers."

Pandemic 1918: eyewitness accounts from the greatest medical holocaust in modern history

"Before HIV or Ebola, there was the Spanish flu--this narrative history marks the one hundredth anniversary of an epidemic that altered world history. In three successive waves, from 1918 to 1919, influenza killed more than 50 million people.

Arguing with Zombies

This delightful new book finds Krugman at his best, turning readers into intelligent consumers of the daily news with quick, vivid sketches of the key concepts behind taxes, health care, international trade, and more.

The hundred years' war on Palestine

The hundred years' war on Palestine

" A history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict told from the Palestinian perspective, arguing the period since the Balfour Declaration of 1917 has amounted to a hundred years of colonial war against the Palestinians."

Tightrope : Americans reaching for hope

Tightrope : Americans reaching for hope

Nicholas Kristof grew up in rural Yamhill, Oregon, an area that prospered for much of the 20th century but has been devastated in the last few decades as blue-collar jobs disappeared. Kristoff's stories are representative of many places the authors write about, ranging from the Dakotas and Oklahoma to New York and Virginia. These accounts provide a picture of working-class families needlessly but profoundly damaged as a result of decades of policy mistakes.

Fault Lines: A history of the United States since 1974

Fault Lines: A history of the United States since 1974

"In [this book], Kruse and Zelizer reveal how the divisions of the present day began almost five decades ago, and how they were widened thanks to profound changes in our political system as well as a fracturing media landscape that was repeatedly transformed with the rise of cable TV, the internet, and social media. How did the United States become so divided? Fault Lines offers a richly told, wide-angle history view toward an answer."

El Norte: the epic and forgotten story of Hispanic North America

El Norte: the epic and forgotten story of Hispanic North America

"Because of our shared English language and our colonial roots, the United States has prized its Anglo heritage above all others. However, as Carrie Gibson explains, the nation has much older Spanish roots--ones that have long been unacknowledged or marginalized. The Hispanic past of the United States predates the arrival of the Pilgrims by a century, and has been every bit as important in shaping the nation as it exists today."

Black New Jersey: 1664 to the present day

Black New Jersey: 1664 to the present day

Historian Hodges "explores how the state’s unique mix of religious, artistic, and cultural traditions have helped to produce such world-renowned figures as Paul Robeson, Cory Booker, and Queen Latifah, as well as a host of lesser-known but equally influential New Jersey natives."

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: native America from 1890 to the present

"Because they did not disappear--and not despite but rather because of their intense struggles to preserve their language, their traditions, their families, and their very existence--the story of American Indians since the end of the nineteenth century to the present is one of unprecedented resourcefulness and reinvention."

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