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Getting Started: Databases

Scholarly Journals

Browse english journals by subject

Click 'Browse Subjects', then click the arrow next to [Language and literature]. This will open a list of subcategories. Click the plus sign to expand and view more subcategories. Click to choose a subject, and then use the Filter button to select books or journals.

Library of Congress Classification

When searching for a resource in the library, you can use a Library of Congress Classification Number to search the catalog, to find the exact location of an item and to find more items that have similar content.

Language   Subclass PJ
Etymology   P321-324.5
Dictionaries   Subclass AG
English & Old English   PE101-458
Grammar   P101-410
English Literature   Subclass PR

Interlibrary Loan is a free service that gives you access to resources at other libraries. If you need a specific book or article that Taylor Memorial Library does not have, let us know and we will work with other libraries to get a copy for you.

Allow up to 2 weeks for books/media and 3-5 days for journal articles (PDFs) to arrive.

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