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Grant Resources by Discipline

IRS 990 Forms

Exempt organizations must file a tax return called a Form 990 with the IRS each year to comply with federal regulations. There are several versions of Form 990: 

  • public charities file a Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N
  • private foundations file Form 990-PF (PF stands for Private Foundation).

Free 990 Sites

  • GuideStar has both free and premium plans. 
    • Some searching is available without creating a free account but users with an account can access even more information.
  • GuideStar is now also part of Candid/FDO, (see above). 

Prospecting by Searching Foundations' 990 forms

Learn more about potential funders from their IRS annual 990 forms. The form includes a  list of grants awarded, as well as providing financial and other information about the organization.

 More information :

Free Site for (only) 990PFs (Does not include Form990 or Form990EZ's Grants Search tool was developed to allow fundraisers to do basic prospecting by exploring which foundations have previously donated to similar grantees. The dataset is from electronically filed IRS 990 PF forms. which private foundations are required to file.

  • Foundation Profile Search - Search by foundation name to view its profile and list of funded grants

  • Grants Search - Find foundations that fund similar organizations to yours by searching by recipient /grantee's name and/or location.

  • Limitations of dataset: (Currently, approximately 50-60% of private foundations electronically file, meaning covers approximately half of all private foundations. However, new legislation requires all tax-exempt organizations to file electronically from 2020 forward, so current and forward coverage of private foundations will be more comprehensive as the COVID-related delays in publication are resolved. Also, datasets only include Form 990 PF- some community foundations file using another 990 form.)

  • TIP: When Searching by recipient/grantee- remember the names of recipients/grantees are not standardized. They are listed as each grantmaker listed them in the 990. 

    • For example, one grantmaker may use "Univ" while another uses "University" in the recipient/grantee's name. Also, if the name includes a hyphen, one entry may have a hyphen, while another 990 does not.
    • So, you may want to use as few words as possible when searching by the organization's name. You can then filter by state and/or city, among other filters displayed on the screen's left side.